Palm Desert California

Now it's been one week since I returned from my short trip to the desert. I am always amazed how you can go from desert to ocean in 2 hours.

As I go through the photos from my trip, I'm reminded of the warm sun beating down on my head as I avoid rattle snack holes and lie on the sand to take pictures of the natural beauty.

Home to a rattle snake. I had to be careful where I stepped

I was in awe of one little flower who stood straight, so beautifully in the harsh dry conditions. It reminded me to stay strong and gentle as I heal my emotional wounds from childhood, to embrace the challenges of my adult life, and be grateful for the little things.

Nature reminding us of it's fragility, just like the human being

The desert reminds me that life is raw, fragile and beautiful. I often feel that nature teaches me much about the human experience, and ultimately my human experience on earth. There are harsh realities and challenges in life but when you teach yourself to notice the beauty, our brain can be programmed to look for the positive lessons in each storm we are facing.

Life is sustained in the dry desert conditions

I stayed at the Westin Desert Willow resort which was lovely. The room was more like an apartment so it really felt like home away from home. I had a Jacuzzi in the bathroom with bubbles. It was very luxurious. I wish I had vlogged my trip but I was struggling. As vulnerable and uncomfortable as it is, I am trying to open up during the challenging moments in my life so you get a more honest picture. And hopefully some inspiration and comfort that you are not alone.

I'm noticing as I put myself first and set boundaries with others, I am met with resistance. It leaves me feeling fearful and alone. I choose to see this challenge as an opportunity to find the courage to embrace my solitude, and to trust that with time I will find my soul family. All in Divine timing.

How are you doing? Let me know in the comments. How are you feeling? Is life being kind to you? I hope my journal entries open the door for others, so together we can heal our wounded souls. Remember, we are never alone in our struggles, even when we think we are ♥︎

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