Here comes another midnight post. I'm usually in bed by 22:30! I seem to have entered some creative flow this week. I have been solely focusing my attention toward another creative medium, which I am excited to share with you on the next vlog. I will spend this weekend working on it.
Today I have been glued to my computer screen, again!!! I have been learning a new skill that has required me to be at the screen but it feels so good now that I have learned so much this week. I love to learn and think having a growth mindset is so important to reframe negative self talk. I've learned often when we don't feel enough, it can be helpful to reframe that to "I might not have all the answers right now, but I'm learning and I'm okay with where I'm at. I'm growing and learning every day. It's a beautiful messy journey. Messy is okay." Something like that 🙂 I personally find it really helps me.
Besides my friend visiting me from Japan for two weeks, I have spent a lot of alone time since moving to Sweden. I feel this has really helped me become self aware of the way I think and talk to myself. I have felt my heart open up to myself. It's been a new level of empathy and curiosity towards myself. It's a love I haven't felt for myself before. It's a special time right now in my inner world. I just feel so emotionally happy right now and glad I get to share this time with you. I'm excited what Autumn will bring. Today it really felt like Autumn. The wind was howling, the pine trees in the forest were swaying, and at one point I thought the flag pole was going to break off and crash right into my window!
It's been a very cozy day with Leiana sleeping all day.There is something therapeutic about having pets in the home. She and I have known each other for two months now and really bonded. She is such a sweet soul. She is extremely gentle and knows her boundaries haha I learn a lot about myself just from having her in my presence. It's interesting how healing animals are.
Now this whole blog post, I've been listening to this beautiful cinematic music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_8FXTPDj-A
This music takes me back to days where I would work hard in the library at school and fantasize about living in the world of Harry Potter. When I was a young teen I went to boarding school in England. I used to always pretend I was Hermoine Granger. She got me through school. I hope you enjoy a dose of nostalgia that made my heart sing after a long day in front of the computer. Can't wait to catch you up on what I've been up to this week. I plan to make a little short vlog. Sometimes I'm in the mood to talk and other times I hate talking on camera haha Do you also feel this way?
I've been smiling the whole way through writing this blog and listening to Harry Potter. I'm feeling everything so deeply. I love it! Feeling is human and I finally feel more human again. For so many years I have been told to stuff everything down and get things done. It's wonderful to feel I'm undoing all the unhelpful things I learned. Unfortunately, as I'm sure many can related, we aren't always exposed to the most nurturing environments. Looking back, I don't think I had the right support and environment to help nurture my authentic self and natural creative talents. But now I'm learning to give that to myself. It's a beautiful feeling of trust.
I feel like I'm coming alive again. Being reborn. In many ways I believe each Season holds a special significance to everyone on a deep personal level. When Seasons shift, it welcomes a time for reflection. I believe something special is coming this way this Autumn. Next week we will already be in September!
I will say goodnight now. As my English Grandmother would say, "it's passed witching hour."
Warm hugs to you,
Annika ♥︎