Your Heart Will Never Give Up On You

I recently made an Instagram post writing the following words. I have never repurposed my content before on my blog but I felt this post to be very important for my non Instagram audience so I wanted to share it here. I won't make a habit of doing this because I realise it will be too repetitive for my Instagram followers who also follow my blog. And time is precious. So I wanted to make that clear at the beginning 🙂

I took this photo the Summer of 2013. The year I moved to Chicago and started a new chapter of my life. During that 10 year period I spent my time living part-time in the US and London where I studied Art & Design at The University of Arts London at CSM and Kingston School of Art. CSM being ranked one of the best art schools in the world, and Kingston ranked number 1 in the UK during my years of study. But nothing inspired me when I was living the big city life. The place I feel most inspired is here where I live today. Beautiful Bohuslän. Back to my roots and creativity.

I am honoured to have been selected to study art at such prestigious Universities, but nothing fulfilled my heart like moving to Sweden this year to capture my long-term inspiration. Smögen from my perspective. When I took this photo nearly 12 years ago, I knew in my heart that I wanted to live here and start a photo blog. But I was too afraid to chase my dream, and too disconnected that I didn’t even recognise my heart was calling me home. After so many years, my heart never gave up on me. And now I’m here. Now I’m home. It doesn’t matter that it took many many years to wake up. I’m here now and what matters most is how I spend my time now.

I hope my story truly inspires you to create a beautiful life for yourself, no matter the past hardships or whatever you are facing in your present day. No matter how many years you have spent in grief, darkness, or with emotional wounds that felt impossible to heal, there’s always a path to joy and light ahead.

You have the strength to rise and embrace the wonderful possibilities that await you!

Photographed by Annika Alexandra Jacobsson. Smögen, Sweden 2013

No Longer Talking Myself Out of My Artist Dream

In case you haven't already seen it, here is my latest video blog from my final weekend in October. The introduction are some shots of me in September. I wanted to capture the shift in Seasons. September is where I felt it the most, as well as the biggest shift inside. A strong need to let go of perfectionism and not let fear drive my life anymore. Fearing failing has been my biggest wall in my life and it's stopped me from doing so many things that I dreamt of doing. Fearing letting people down has also been a struggle where I feel if I follow my soul path I'll be hurting others. I've had a lot of pressure and expectations put upon me, and now that I'm following my heart, I know who is unconditionally there for me and who is not. Right now I'm practicing discernment as I move my life forward and decided what energy I want to bring into my new peaceful life in nature.

I hope you enjoying following my artist process and life journey. Thank you so much for being here ♥︎

Manifestation is Real

I came across this photo today and I wanted to put it out into the world. Into the Universe. Today I felt so strongly when I saw this photo that this would be me in the future. When I woke up this morning I had this strong feeling that I would manifest this life. A day out on the grounding rocks with my sea wolf. I've always been drawn to dogs that look like wild wolves, similar to the look of huskies. But for the past year I have been drawn to the White Shepherd.

Last year, I watched a documentary on sea wolves, and this breed reminds me so much of the sea wolf's independence, their resilience, and their beauty. I see so much of myself in them. My spirit animal ♥︎

I also wanted to mark this blog as proof that manifestation is real. One day, this will be me and I will have the photograph to prove it.

Manifesting this moment


Smögen, I thank you. I love you. Thank you from showing me the way when I get lost, for giving me strength and grounding me when I needed it the most. I recognise your forever presence that has lived before me and will live after me. My wise ancient old friend. Forever grateful for your healing and motherly loving presence.

Annika in Smögen 2010
Smögen 2024
Smögen 2024


Today my eyes are swollen from crying. After the funeral yesterday, I have felt a weight in my stomach like I haven't felt before. An ache. Losing my Grandmother is more painful than I imagined. I knew the day would come because she has been declining the past years. Today when I was talking about her, the clouds parted and the sun shined for a few seconds. The comfort I felt in that moment. Then the clouds rolled in and it continued to rain. Tears scattered around the garden. I went outside to gather some firewood and decided to dedicate this week to properly grieving. Cancelling all plans and meetings and just focusing on the simple aspects of healing: making my home cozy, lighting candles, fresh laundry, homemade soups, baked goods, going for swims, walking in nature, breathing in fresh air, and capturing the natural beauty and its lessons.

It's been a tremendous loss and nothing really prepares you for grief, even though you know they are slowly slipping away. Her spirit was very strong and in many ways I feel she lives in me, and I hope continues to live in everyone she inspired. I admire her qualities greatly. She was a wonderful neighbour, a kind and loving mother, a great hugger, a kind giver, very spiritual, and a wonderful listener. She called herself a White Witch 🤍✨🤍 She loved her community in Sunderland, and in many ways I want to honour her by sharing these loving qualities with this online community. She will be forever loved and missed. Forever my rock.

Everything is going to be alight


I had the most beautiful Sunday afternoon taking pictures near my house. Surrounded by this beautiful nature is incredibly healing. The photography ended with the most beautiful sunset and I just soaked in all the gold, purple, pink and blue. I hope from these photos you feel the beauty, the magic, and the healing energy here.

Into nature we go

An Afternoon with The Spirits

Hello to you!

Yesterday I spent some wonderful hours out in the nature around my homestead, breathing in fresh air and taking in the most beautiful Autumn sunset. I put together some moments from my time outdoors. I hope you enjoy watching it! I had so much fun creating this photo. And in many ways it was very healing as I was able to imagine standing in front of my loved ones offering them love and receiving their wisdom and guidance.

I took the following two images and created two layers in Photoshop to achieve the final result. This was the first time using Photoshop so I'm really happy with the results. I created three different spirit images. Which is your favourite?

Don't Be Afraid
Reaching Out
Wisdom Seeker

It's Time to Say Goodbye

What I would do to go back in time to spend some more cozy weekends at Grandma's house in Sunderland, England. 37 Rowan Close ♥︎ So much time I feel I missed with her because I was chasing fancy city jobs and relationships that weren't good for me at the time. This has been a hard lesson learned. Chasing your dreams take sacrifice, but make sure they are authentic to who you are. It's hard for me to not feel regret but I know I did my best with what I knew at the time.

Losing my Grandmother is like accidentally dropping something really special in the ocean. Never to be seen again. Some beautiful words from the funeral today that spoke deeply to my heart and gave me great comfort, "Go forth from this world on your eternal journey."

Today my Grandmother's body will return to the earth. Grandma, you are forever loved and remembered. I am grateful for the love and time you gave me. For the laughter and your big warm hugs. Rest in peace, Grandma. Enjoy your time with Grandpa, your sisters, your parents, your friends, your neighbors. I will move forward with my life carrying your strength and kindness in my heart. I will forever keep our fun and joyful memories alive. The door is always open for you to come visit me. Love you a million times around the Universe ♥︎

The Offering

This piece symbolises the offering to my ancestors. And the acceptance of their ancient wisdom. I took this photo yesterday and spent my hours well into the early morning playing around in Lightroom and Photoshop. I had so much fun!

The Offering by Annika Alexandra Jacobsson

All Souls Day

A day to honour those who have passed over.

With it being Autumn and traditionally in many cultures around the world a time to honour our ancestors. I can feel now intuitively how Autumn is heavy but invites a slowness, a groundedness, a surrendering feeling of love. This is my first Autumn in Sweden and I can already feel it's opening me up to my feelings of loss. And I soothe myself by searching for the beauty in it through my art.

When Two Worlds Meet

If death can teach us one important thing, it's to embrace time. We all have time in our hands. But not knowing how much of it is the fact of life. How we use it is what matters most. Losing my Grandmother makes me think about how to live my life to the fullest. She would want that. Time is precious. No amount of money in the world can buy a second of time. And it's these thoughts that circle my mind that motivate me to create. I think the fear of not living is driving me to act. Whereas before, the fear of failing was holding me back. But not trying is failure. And I want to experience what breaking my limits looks like in my life. To surprise myself. Anyway, just some thoughts I wanted to share with you.

Candles and lanterns are dancing a waltz on All Souls Night

Have a beautiful evening and remember those who have passed are watching over you and want you to be happy ♥︎