This morning started on a magical note because it snowed! I was so excited I ran outside to take some quick pictures. I was so mesmerised by the colors of the sky that I didn’t even notice my cold feet in the snow. I was only outside the house for a few seconds before I ran back inside to make a coffee and put on some wooly socks.
All day the rocky landscape was covered with a fresh white blanket of snow. I've only spent my summers here since I was a child. It hasn't been very often that I've seen the island covered in beautiful white. How lucky I feel to witness this beautiful island in the winter.
I can't believe I'm here on this magical Swedish island. I got goosebumps on my legs just writing that. How I’ve dreamt of living here for an extended period of time taking photos, creating art, and blogging about the island and coastal nature. And now I'm here! My dream happened and it still feels so unreal. I will not waste another second worrying about the future. I am living here and now, simply.
Some words from my heart, written last nightTaken in 2013 - when I wanted to live here and start a photo blog but was too afraid to follow my heartHappy
After a ten hour flight from Los Angeles to Paris, plus a five hour layover, I finally landed in Gothenburg airport at 22:30 on Monday the 29th of January, 2024. I felt too tired to drive, so I checked in to the Scandic airport hotel for the night. I felt incredibly relaxed after a shower and just wanted to cozy up and eat in bed. Luckily I still had my truffle risotto that I bought at a cafe in Paris. I was so hungry that I ate it cold. It was delicious! I didn’t have cutlery so I used two coffee stirrers that I found in the hotel room, and turned them into chopsticks haha Although they were flat, it still worked!
I fell asleep close to 1am and woke up at 7am the next day. I had the most wonderful Swedish breakfast at the hotel. A complete spread of everything: cold cuts, various cheese selections, beautifully presented yogurt fruit cups, herring with dill, fresh bread, and so much more! I was in breakfast heaven.
I made myself a sandwich for the drive ahead and enjoyed all my childhood favorites. I was like a kid in a candy store. I had pancakes, apple juice, and a cheese sandwich. I kept telling myself, “I’m here, I’m really here!” It was like a part of me felt it wasn’t real. As if it were a dream. For the longest time it felt that all my decisions up to this point in my life have been to accommodate other people's feelings, opinions, needs and expectations. I have compromised on my happiness for far too long. This was my moment to overcome codependency and come alive again.
It was during breakfast were I was reflecting on how much I have compromised my happiness in my life to keep other's content, calm and happy. So when I sat at the breakfast table, it felt strange to make a choice that was 100% purely for me. I felt guilty, but it's the guilt that kept me trapped in an inauthentic life. I have learned that it's not selfish to put yourself first. I believe that we all came to this planet to enjoy our true selves, and to share our joy with the world. But how can I lift others up if I'm not happy within myself and my own life choices? How can I attract genuine relationships into my life if I'm not being genuine with myself?
The reality of moving to Sweden had not fully sunk in yet. My body was exhausted from the travel. But in my heart I knew I was finally taking responsibility for my future happiness. That felt empowering!
After a grocery shop hoarding all my childhood favourites, and a 3 hour drive to an island just off the Northwest coastline of Sweden, I finally arrived at a very cold and dark house. After I turned on the water and the heat, I made some tea, a cup of soup before snuggling into bed with a Disney movie. The wind howled all night. Cozy! I will be staying here at my childhood summer home until I figure out next steps in my life. I'm currently in a cloud of uncertainty, joy and grief.
Here come some photos and a little video blog from my journey. From my old life to my new life. Enjoy! ♥︎
Movie time!
Watching Frozen in bed on my first night. Relating to Olaf in this momentTime to packThe weather reflecting my moodThe journey aheadTonight's full moon reflecting my inner world. Making space for the new and letting go of the oldTaking off!A whole new perspectiveDinnerGoodnight!Hello France!Layover in ParisNearly midnight at Göteborg Landvetter AirportVälkommen till Göteborg!All the essentials: A bag of art stuff, a bag of clothes, my camera bag, my office, and a warm jacket!Departures!My hotel for the night. Too tired to drive!Free chocolate at checkin! I couldn't be happierAhhhh that feeling of a warm shower after a long journey. Door to door it took 27 hoursLiterally crawling into bed. So tired! God natt!A refreshed human! God Moron! Time for breakfastmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTime to pack the rental carThe wolves greet me home!Awooooo!These mystical roadsI feel like a troll will jump out on this roadNorthwardA rainy drive through farmlandsMore farms 🙂This bridge design has always fascinated me. Like driving into a spider's webSinging No Cure for Me by AuroraSinging Into the Unknown by Disney's Frozen 2Crying at how much I relate to Elsa in Frozen 2Comfort foodDarkness has arrivedNearly at the bridge to the islandI heard a loud bang and turns out this car swerved to avoid hitting me. Phew!A tired AnnikaPutting the groceries awayNo water!!!Hjälp från Pappa bästisTurning the heat on! The house is powered by geo thermal heat. Fascinating!Reassuring Pappa that I didn't burn the house downGoulash soup for dinnerFalling asleep at the tableIt's going to be a cold night. The wind is howlingTime for bed! God natt ♥︎
I ran to the gate and missed the plane by four minutes. Sweat was pouring down and I was in tears after the airline representative told me I missed it. I could still see the plane but it had already detached from the bridge. I watched it slowly reverse and tears were streaming down. I was in shock. I have only missed a plane once in my life, and I have flown a lot of planes in my life. I started at the young age of twelve flying between Sweden and England to visit my divorced parents. After calling the airline, I was rebooked for the same day and on my way. And in desperate need of a shower.
On my way to Gothenburg, SwedenA weary traveller. Layover in Paris
Once I made the decision to move to Sweden, I started making a mess around the apartment. A lot of important decisions to make in a cloud of mixed emotions. Excitement, sadness, grief, relief. The list goes on.
I'm usually more organised but this was emotional packing
This painting is very special to me because this is the painting I was working on when I needed answers for my next steps in life. It was a time in my life where I felt stuck. The power of art showed me the way forward.
It was 2am, and while I was painting on the kitchen floor in California the answer came to me so gently and clearly. A gentle whisper within. It was a strong feeling of an inner knowing that I'm moving to Sweden. I decided to embrace curiosity, listen to my intuition, take a leap of faith, and honour my younger self who always dreamt of living on this magical coastline as an artist.
Sometimes we hear the thing we need to hear. Even if it makes us uncomfortable.
Last month I decided to try therapy with Better Help for the first time in my life (not sponsored). It's incredible how much I've gotten out of it so far. I was matched up with a therapist who reminds me of the Grandmother Willow tree in Disney's Pocahontas. I have always wished for a wise healing presence in my life to lean on during difficult times. And here she is! The Universe heard my call. It's been challenging to not be able to lean on my Grandmother since she was diagnosed with dementia a few years ago.
This page of notes captures the most important thoughts and reflections buzzing around inside of me. Perhaps it gives you some insight into my decision to embark on my creative healing journey in Sweden.
My goal this year is to do more of what I enjoyed doing as a child. I want to feel more joy and safety inside myself again. I believe inner child work is a powerful road to authenticity and creative expression. I was a happy child in Sweden. Maybe I will be happier living there? I haven't felt happy in a long time.
As I journey to the coast from the California mountains, I can feel a change inside of me. A shift. Things are going to be different from now on.
After quitting my big city job last Summer, I decided to embark on my inner child journey by leaving London and moving to Southern California. A place where it all began. The land where I was born.
I wanted to give myself a fresh start. A second chance in life.
Toward new horizonsBeautiful California, my birth placeI will forever have a special connection to you, beautiful California
Yesterday I made the conscious decision to start therapy. I have been thinking about signing up to Better Help for about a year now. I have always been a "solve your own problems kind of gal." I recognise that I need outside support and help to aid my emotional wellbeing. Right now, I struggle. Christmas tends to bring up a lot for me. And with a fresh start approaching with a new year, it encourages me to think hard about the life I want to live.
So I asked myself, "what would someone who loves themselves do given the situation I am in right now?" The answer came to me intuitively with ease and certainty: "find emotional safety with likeminded people." With the said, there was no hesitation in signing up for Better Help.
I was overjoyed to see that Better Help offers free group sessions and classes. I immediately signed up for my first group session in art therapy and class in childhood trauma. I left the Zoom meeting feeling emotionally safe and nurtured. It was like getting a virtual warm hug. I am grateful for the incredible women who I had the chance to meet today. My heart felt open because of these wonderful creative souls ♥︎♥︎♥︎ This shows the power in leaning on others who are also sensitive, creative, and empathic.
Watercolour and acrylic are my favourite painting mediums as they allow me to learn to let go. The paint is mixed with water so it can be very unpredictable. I like this unpredictability. As I learn to embrace the unknown and see the positivity in letting things flow, the paint and water teaches me to trust the process of life. To trust the future and that everything is working out in my highest good. I believe in the power of love and art. Art is so much more than we think. It truly has the power to heal us ♥︎
Here we had our exercise for the day. We worked silently while the teacher played some relaxing meditstive music. We discussed our drawings, our feelings and insights. Sharing ourselves in this safe space was incredibly calming. I haven't felt that calm in a long time.
I decided to draw something that I drew often as a child. During the summers I would always draw a horse in a meadow, and in the winter I would always draw reindeers in the forest surrounded by mountains. Since we had just celebrated Santa Lucia in Sweden, I decided to draw "little me" wearing a Lucia crown. I have fond memories between ages 7 and 10 years old where I would dress up in the Lucia dress with my classmates, and go to school to perform all the Swedish songs in front of family and friends. My Dad told me I would practice Lusse Lelle like my life depended on it. You can listen to the song on YouTube here.
Personally, I struggle with perfectionism. I am right handed but when I switched to draw with my non-dominant hand, the need for perfectionism magically disappeared! Through my left hand my inner child can take the reigns and everything flows so fearlessly. In those moments when I draw with my left hand I can play and watch my innocent drawing come to life.
It's not so much about the drawing being good. It's about giving my inner child the chance to feel seen and heard, and free to express herself in a safe environment. I often felt unsafe as a child, so art is certainly a way that I feel is very helpful to calming my nervous system and regulating my emotions.
Sometimes my body thinks it's living out those past traumatic and stressful events. But through presence, I remind my brain throughout the day that I am safe now, so it can signal to my body to relax and slow down. It's a daily commitment toward healing my mind so my body and nervous system can heal and relax. I have a lot of autoimmune issues, so it's very important for me to reduce my stress levels so my body doesn't get sick like it did this year.
It was also incredibly healing to draw this picture today because sadly I don't have any drawings or artwork from childhood in my possession. My sketchbooks would disappear over the years. One time my sketchbook was burned when I was thirteen years old. All because I had one drawing of my Dad's girlfriend. Over the years art started to feel unsafe, so for many years I was afraid to do the one thing that felt the most natural to me. I was afraid to be criticized for creating art, and terrified to have my art disappear as it often did. So what did I do as a helpless child? I shut down. I gave up. I stopped creating. My soul was locked in a dungeon for my entire adult life. Even after deciding to go to art school I felt trapped in a way because I didn't feel inspired by the big city.
Kingston School of Art 2017
I longed for something else. So today I put the key in and creaked open the door to creatively healing my soul. My childhood joys lighting the way forward.
Stay inspired!
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