Today has been wonderful. I have been outside hiking the rocky icy landscape. Just me and my camera, and the North winds styling my hair. It's been really cold today, and the bottom portion of my body was definitely not well dressed for these icy winds. It felt so good to get outside though. Here are some photos from today. Enjoy the ambience on this magical Nordic island in the North Sea.
Happiest when the wind styles my hairLife finds a wayCaptivated by the beauty hereLand, sea & iceFollow your dreamsHappy happy happyTime for a fikaThe Swedes know how to njutBeautiful when the water freezes on the rocksFeeling alive with the north winds greeting me once againA sleepy soulHealthy soup for dinner
It's 11:32pm and I'm already tucked in bed. Today flew by. My intention was to write a little blog post after dinner but I got a headache. I still have it so I will just say a little hello and goodnight.
Things move much slower here on this sparsely populated island in the North Sea. I'm away from the city noise and light pollution that I've been used to the past 15 years: London, Chicago, Washington DC, and Los Angeles. This slower pace of life is teaching me that not everything needs to be hyper-productivity focused all the time. Since arriving on this small Nordic island, I am learning to enjoy the silence, the pauses in my day, and to be still. I also find power in reflecting positively on my past, learning the lessons, and visualising the brightness of my future.
When I think about my past, there was no room for silence, peace and solitude. I felt like I was on a hamster wheel keeping up with the rushing nature of others around me. I felt like I was always disappointing others in some way. I often felt like I couldn't breathe because I was doing everything to make others happy, only to be blamed, criticised and judged by others who never truly took the time to get to know me. This way of me living my life had to end. My life and happiness depended on it. Coming to Sweden is the first time in my life that I have made a decision purely for my own happiness. And the ones who celebrated my return have my best interest. So I decided to let go of the rest because I learned very quickly and painfully who didn't have my best interest at heart.
My life before Sweden left me feeling burnt out, lonely, and unhappy. These moments of silence and solitude with myself are healing. In these moments, I don't feel alone. I'm learning that taking a pause in my life and in my day to rest and just be is not weakness. I see it as a strength. A courageous commitment toward myself, to check on my inner compass and recalibrate if needed. It's in the silence we can truly sink into our own heart and hear its gentle whisper.
Most nights have been spent like this. A cozy candle with the wind howling.
I truly hope my presence online offers something beautiful and healing to this messy world. Today, I have thought deeply about what I want to share with the world and how to stay true to myself through every decision I make along the way. Now that I'm here in Sweden, it's important now more than ever that I don't fall into the old trap of creating art or content to please others. My work has to be authentic and come from the heart to help people in their lives. I plan to do that through sharing my story rather than masking the pain with "how to" videos, and selling myself as some expert at living life. I'm not. We all there is too much of that "expert advice" on YouTube. All I can do is "influence" through healthy inspiration to reconnect with your authentic self. Because that is the journey I am on. I am a true believer that personal stories heal. Stories are the bedrock to our humanity. I truly believe stories help others find the truth of who they are. So this is my contribution online. Let's see where it goes.
My choice to come here and start this journey was 100% for me, and every choice I make while I'm here should come from my heart. That is a promise and commitment I make to myself. And I promise to share my personal growth story with you, dear reader. I need to be mindful every day of this promise, because deep down I believe authenticity can inspire the world to heal. So much of the issues going on in today's world could be healed through self-acceptance and unconditional love. On my life journey, I have learned that you can truly make a difference in this world by embracing who you are, accepting your unique qualities, as well as the things you can't control around you.
If I have children one day, I will teach them that they matter, that they are enough, that their feelings matter, and to follow their hearts. I was raised hearing "Little girls should be seen and not heard." Of course, people back then didn't know the effects it would have on children. We are lucky today to be armed with knowledge and inspiration to behave differently for ourselves and for our children. Something I am committed to is ending generational trauma through my own healing work. I'm doing this by exploring trauma-informed best practices, mindfulness, art therapy, and energy healing. Let me know if you are interested in hearing more about this.
I know I'm on the path to healing because I am no longer driven by money in the way I once was. Of course, I need to make a living but the motivation behind it has changed. Now it's to enjoy a life in nature, cook healthy food, laugh with true friends, spend time alone in nature, and create art. I don't have a desire for material things to show off, or be liked by other people who also value material things.
It's so crazy to think I lived my life like this. I never felt good enough, so I had to buy things to feel good about myself. But the feeling would wear off, and the cycle would repeat. Not to mention all the consuming that harms nature made me feel even worse about myself. I felt guilty and disconnected.
Today, I am so happy my values have changed, and that I'm more driven by my internal need for creativity and self-expression, connecting with people and animals, building a home, learning to become self-sufficient, being kind to the environment, giving back to the world. I think the lesson I learned here is that the ego is the root cause to a lot of destruction not only within ourselves, but also the world.
And how did I get to this healthy realisation? Inner child healing. I understand it's not for everyone. For me, re-connecting to my inner child got me back on track by doing the things I loved back then. I am a true believer that inner child work is the path to authenticity. By sharing my story, this is my contribution to a more authentic world.
Good Evening friends! Today was a cold and overcast day on the island. I felt like staying inside today. It's 5:45pm now and it's pitch black outside. I lit a candle and felt like sharing some moments and thoughts from my day.
I spent some hours on my computer today. There has been a lot to tidy up to do on my blog, so I've been mostly working on that today. Every time I stand up for a break or do something else to relax my mind, ideas pop up out of nowhere. I immediately run to a notepad to write them down. Does anyone have the same experience when taking a break from work? It's like I opened a door and creativity is flowing in.
I am constantly exploring myself and pondering how I want to share this experience with the world. It seems that being in Sweden has unlocked something in me. I used to count the hours down for the work day to end, but now I don't know where the time goes! I've never felt more creative, inspired, and energised. The first week here, I felt a bit disconnected, like I did before I got on the plane. I think that is normal. A change of scenery helps but it's not an instant fix. Our bodies need time to catch up with our head. The body undergoes so much stress and carries so much emotional weight that it takes time to recover. There is so much we can't see internally, but it doesn't mean it's not there.
I think a great deal of my stress comes from being an empath. I naturally take on a lot of other people's worries and feel their emotions so deeply. I think that's something all artists have in common. It's a blessing and a curse. I like to think of it as magic that I need to harness. Not too little, not too much. Just "lagom" as the Swedes put it. That's why I need quiet moments alone to decompress and tune into my own energy.
I have been so low from emotional burnout that I need to get back to a healthy routine with my yoga, my art and online community. I am part of a spiritual community in Bali where they host online events. I am so very happy every time we meet for sharing circles. It's vulnerable sometimes but I always leave feeling validated, whole, refreshed, and warm hearted from everyone's loving words and unconditional support. It gives me energy so I can also give back to the world. There is truth in the saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup." Another one I recently came across that I like because it's so obvious to many is, "you put your oxygen mask on first."
I have my back from now on ♥︎
I don't know what the future holds, but right now I feel I am on a journey to reconnecting to myself through returning to my roots, and embracing simplicity in my day: not spending money on things I don't need, or going out to do stuff for the sake of doing. All I need is to just be and spend time in nature and create art. I sit here peacefully and slow my mind and body down before deciding on the next right thing. I feel like for the past 10 years and especially in 2023 I have been on overdrive, which was leading to emotional burnout and physical symptoms. So it's important I take this time to wind down and decompress. My body needs a break. So I will challenge myself to get off my computer for the rest of the week and just get out into nature and rest my mind. Just me and my new best friend (my camera), out there in the rocky landscape by the North Sea, where I can capture my first love in life, Smögen ꨄ
I didn't take as many photos today as I wanted because I thought, "I'm just at home, that's boring." But oh, how I need to shift my perspective. I will not take this unique lifestyle choice for granted, because I think the world could benefit from my story and the serenity of this place. The story of a young woman realising that happiness can be found within, that putting yourself first is not selfish, and that emotional healing is necessary to help the body maintain good health.
I also want to send the message to people that work can be found remotely, entrepreneurship is worth exploring, self-expression is sustenance in challenging times, and that reconnecting with your roots and nature can be an effective way to ease core feelings of loneliness, disconnection, and not belonging. These are all feelings I have struggled with for years, and it's caused a lot of anxiety in my daily life.
I have come across people who have criticised my decision to move to Sweden. I have heard them say "You shouldn't run away from your problems." I highly disagree. If anything, I had spent most of my adult life running away from myself which made me very unhappy. Being a codependent chronic people pleaser was just an unbearable and soul sucking way to live. And this way of living my life was making me sick. And here's the proof. I have a highly overactive immune system, so any kind of stress will send my immune system into auto-drive where my body attacks itself. The stress was literally killing me. I knew I needed to change my life or I felt like I was going to die.
At first, I went to doctors and they could not locate the source of my skin inflammation. I could feel it was stress from living in survival mode. I wasn't thriving or feeling alive anymore. And it was showing all over my body. It is so important to listen to your body when it speaks to you. My stress was emotional, so I hope my story creates more awareness around the interconnectedness between physical and emotional wellbeing.
During this time I had to take cold showers because I was in so much pain. The physical discomfort and appearance was also affecting my mental wellbeing because I didn't want to go outside in the sun or see people. I was so low that I decided to seek out emotional healing solutions, such as therapy. I had tried everything else: yoga, meditation, paleo diet, ocean swims, hiking and surfing. But inside, the missing piece was the human connection. I was supported and nurtured back to a healthier mindset by a wonderful older woman living in Texas. I've always wished for someone like that in my life and there she was. Do you believe in the law of attraction and manifesting? I feel like I manifested her into my life.
I realise how resilient human beings are, and what we are truly capable of withstanding in moments of adversity. But that doesn't mean that we should stay in a situation that is making our bodies sick, especially when we have the freedom of choice. Why push ourselves over the edge? What are we trying to prove? I used to want to show people that I was resilient by pulling my socks up and sticking it out, despite it hurting me in the end. But now I'm being noticed for my inner strength, my vulnerability, authenticity, and putting myself first in order to help others. The strength of taking responsibility for my emotional health, prioritising my needs, setting boundaries, validating my emotions, and diligently truth seeking. This is my definition of self-love. I believe self love is the path to our true purpose in this life. It is believed that your soul chooses your body to fulfill your life’s soul purpose; it is crucial that you honor your life as a gift from the universe or God. The body you inhabit is an essential part of your purpose. Which is why it is important to express love towards your body.
Trust me when I say, your body is speaking to you. It definitely keeps the score, so please show love for yourself by listening to your body when it speaks to you. It will show you what you need. It will show you the way to your heart. Do whatever you can to reconnect with your body. The only thing I admit I ran away from was the calling of my own heart. All because I was too scared to go against the expectations of people around me, the media, the society I was a part of, my own insecurity and false perception that I was unworthy, which left me afraid of being alone. That's all in the past now and I'm on the road to recovery.
Wow, now that was a long post! I'm so grateful if you managed to get this far. I look forward to sharing more of my thoughts, feelings, and moments here in Sweden. I hope you found this inspiring. Please say hi and share your thoughts and feelings in the comments. I would love to connect with you by getting to know you.
Before moving to Sweden, I spent 8 months living in California. Spending time in California was an important first step in my healing journey. I left my big city London job to embark on a journey of self discovery and personal transformation. And it all started in California, where I was born in 1989.
For those of you who don't know, I was born in Redondo Beach, California and raised in Sweden and England. My Father is Swedish and my Mother is British. Two years after I was born we moved as a family to my Dad's roots in Sweden in 1991.
Dad, me and MumDad, me and MumMy Dad's friend and little confident Annika
I spent my young magical years living on the West Coast of Sweden exploring seas, forests, riding and caring for horses, creating art, baking, and playing make believe with the trolls. I was a big fan of Astrid Lindgren and other classic Nordic fairytales. My favourite being Ronja Rövardotter and Pippi. So for me this journey back to Sweden is like coming home to my heart, the magic, and the wonder of life.
The little explorerLittle musicianEngland with DadEnglandGöteborg, SwedenKrokaviksvägen, Särö, Sweden Caring for horses in SwedenCaring for horses in SwedenGetting shit doneBaking at home in Näset, Sweden
Before California I lived in a tiny flat share in London, England. It was during the Coronavirus pandemic where I realised I wanted to live closer to nature. As the world became more accepting of remote work, the dream of living closer to nature started to feel more possible.
In January 2022, I left London and rented a cottage in the Cornish countryside. I had never felt more lost in my life. Isn't this what I wanted? To live close to nature? I learned it wasn't enough. I had no personal connection to Cornwall. The nature and the culture there was beautiful but it didn't speak to my heart. I needed something more. An emotional connection to the land, my ancestors, my heritage.
Cottage daysLong meetings
But where would I land? At the time I didn't know. I was still in a fog of uncertainty. I needed clarity. So I decided to start from the very beginning. My birthplace. It was there I started my inner child journey. I exposed myself to everything I loved as a child: nature, horse riding, creativity, and Disneyland. Through this journey something started to come alive again inside me. A spark of life. A curiosity for life and about myself. I wanted to learn more about who I was, where did I come from, who my ancestors were.
It was here in California I got the clarity I needed. For that, I am grateful for this step in my life journey. More about this in my previous blog post The Painting that Changed My Life
I’ve been in Sweden for seven days now and I still have jetlag from my journey from California. I haven’t been able to fall asleep until 4am. I think it was because I took a nap a few days ago. Ever since then, night has turned to day, and I’ve slept the mornings away.
Today, I forced myself with all my strength to get out of bed at 8am in an attempt to cure my jetlag. I am so glad I did because I witnessed the most beautiful sunrise with soft pinks and purples. At this time of year the sun rises much later in the day. The sun remains low this time of year so it feels like an all day sunset.
It’s still minus celsius outside, which means the snow is here to stay for the day. I can’t wait to get outside and breathe in the cold crisp air.