Back to My Roots
In January 2024, I set out on a journey of self discovery and personal transformation. Not knowing what to expect, all I knew was that I needed to live closer to nature, closer to my Scandinavian roots, and closer to creativity. This was the key to unlocking this trapped feeling I had inside of myself. My soul was longing for creativity and authenticity.
This video captures all those special moments on my journey in 2024. I went from sad tears to happy tears as I learned to embrace who I am as a human being, an artist, a creative, a woman, a spiritual being... I now live on the land where my Nordic ancestors walked, farmed, fished and swam. I'm home again. Home in my heart. Home in my 1860 homestead with my cat, Leiana and my dog, Ylva in idyllic West Coast of Sweden.
This soul growth period in my life was not easy. But it was worth it. I can't wait to see what happens now. It's only the beginning ❤️