All Souls Day
A day to honour those who have passed over.
With it being Autumn and traditionally in many cultures around the world a time to honour our ancestors. I can feel now intuitively how Autumn is heavy but invites a slowness, a groundedness, a surrendering feeling of love. This is my first Autumn in Sweden and I can already feel it's opening me up to my feelings of loss. And I soothe myself by searching for the beauty in it through my art.
If death can teach us one important thing, it's to embrace time. We all have time in our hands. But not knowing how much of it is the fact of life. How we use it is what matters most. Losing my Grandmother makes me think about how to live my life to the fullest. She would want that. Time is precious. No amount of money in the world can buy a second of time. And it's these thoughts that circle my mind that motivate me to create. I think the fear of not living is driving me to act. Whereas before, the fear of failing was holding me back. But not trying is failure. And I want to experience what breaking my limits looks like in my life. To surprise myself. Anyway, just some thoughts I wanted to share with you.
Have a beautiful evening and remember those who have passed are watching over you and want you to be happy ♥︎