Into The Unknown

After a ten hour flight from Los Angeles to Paris, plus a five hour layover, I finally landed in Gothenburg airport at 22:30 on Monday the 29th of January, 2024. I felt too tired to drive, so I checked in to the Scandic airport hotel for the night. I felt incredibly relaxed after a shower and just wanted to cozy up and eat in bed. Luckily I still had my truffle risotto that I bought at a cafe in Paris. I was so hungry that I ate it cold. It was delicious! I didn’t have cutlery so I used two coffee stirrers that I found in the hotel room, and turned them into chopsticks haha Although they were flat, it still worked!

I fell asleep close to 1am and woke up at 7am the next day. I had the most wonderful Swedish breakfast at the hotel. A complete spread of everything: cold cuts, various cheese selections, beautifully presented yogurt fruit cups, herring with dill, fresh bread, and so much more! I was in breakfast heaven.

I made myself a sandwich for the drive ahead and enjoyed all my childhood favorites. I was like a kid in a candy store. I had pancakes, apple juice, and a cheese sandwich. I kept telling myself, “I’m here, I’m really here!” It was like a part of me felt it wasn’t real. As if it were a dream. For the longest time it felt that all my decisions up to this point in my life have been to accommodate other people's feelings, opinions, needs and expectations. I have compromised on my happiness for far too long. This was my moment to overcome codependency and come alive again.

It was during breakfast were I was reflecting on how much I have compromised my happiness in my life to keep other's content, calm and happy. So when I sat at the breakfast table, it felt strange to make a choice that was 100% purely for me. I felt guilty, but it's the guilt that kept me trapped in an inauthentic life. I have learned that it's not selfish to put yourself first. I believe that we all came to this planet to enjoy our true selves, and to share our joy with the world. But how can I lift others up if I'm not happy within myself and my own life choices? How can I attract genuine relationships into my life if I'm not being genuine with myself?

The reality of moving to Sweden had not fully sunk in yet. My body was exhausted from the travel. But in my heart I knew I was finally taking responsibility for my future happiness. That felt empowering!

After a grocery shop hoarding all my childhood favourites, and a 3 hour drive to an island just off the Northwest coastline of Sweden, I finally arrived at a very cold and dark house. After I turned on the water and the heat, I made some tea, a cup of soup before snuggling into bed with a Disney movie. The wind howled all night. Cozy! I will be staying here at my childhood summer home until I figure out next steps in my life. I'm currently in a cloud of uncertainty, joy and grief.

Here come some photos and a little video blog from my journey. From my old life to my new life. Enjoy! ♥︎

Movie time!
Watching Frozen in bed on my first night. Relating to Olaf in this moment
Time to pack
The weather reflecting my mood
The journey ahead
Tonight's full moon reflecting my inner world. Making space for the new and letting go of the old
Taking off!
A whole new perspective
Hello France!
Layover in Paris
Nearly midnight at Göteborg Landvetter Airport
Välkommen till Göteborg!
All the essentials: A bag of art stuff, a bag of clothes, my camera bag, my office, and a warm jacket!
My hotel for the night. Too tired to drive!
Free chocolate at checkin! I couldn't be happier
Ahhhh that feeling of a warm shower after a long journey. Door to door it took 27 hours
Literally crawling into bed. So tired! God natt!
A refreshed human! God Moron! Time for breakfast
Time to pack the rental car
The wolves greet me home!
These mystical roads
I feel like a troll will jump out on this road
A rainy drive through farmlands
More farms 🙂
This bridge design has always fascinated me. Like driving into a spider's web
Comfort food
Darkness has arrived
Nearly at the bridge to the island
I heard a loud bang and turns out this car swerved to avoid hitting me. Phew!
A tired Annika
No water!!!
Hjälp från Pappa bästis
Turning the heat on! The house is powered by geo thermal heat. Fascinating!
Reassuring Pappa that I didn't burn the house down
Goulash soup for dinner
Falling asleep at the table
It's going to be a cold night. The wind is howling
Time for bed! God natt ♥︎

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