A Patient Cat
Good evening to you!
I want to welcome my new YouTube subscribers. Thank you for being here ❤️ It feels so special to know you wish to spend your time following my new life on the Swedish West Coast. I am so grateful that you also support my artist dream by watching my videos and following me on my blog. Thank you thank you!!!
Today has been a relaxing Tuesday with a lot of indoor work since it's been a rainy Autumn day. It's 7:50pm now and I've enjoyed a lovely healthy dinner: salmon, rice and salad.
Leiana, my cat, is now happily fed and sleeping to my right on the sofa. The candles are lit, and I can feel my body winding down for bed. I've had a lot of late nights recently. I feel my body needs rest and a routine. I look forward to some early foggy Autumn mornings with my camera.
Lots of love to you. A million times around the universe and beyond!
Goodnight and sweet dreams,