YouTube Content Vision

In case you haven't already seen, I have created two playlists on YouTube to help me compartmentalize my content. I feel like I have so much to share still from 2024. I have lots of film footage backlogged. This caused me to experience some overwhelm, but I didn't want it to hold me back from creating more videos in 2025. So here are the playlists:

North Sea Diaries

“North Sea Diaries” is my weekly 2025 vlog series capturing the waves of life on Sweden’s idyllic West Coast. Here I document the quiet beauty of everyday moments of life by the North Sea.

I really want this space to feel like a diary entry. A space to feel free and imperfect.

Tides & Reflections

Then I created a playlist called "Tides and Reflections." This is a space for reflection on my creative healing journey, and how the past has helped shape my current path. I think reflection is so important when we want to improve our lives. I also hope it will inspire people to change their lives for the better because there is power in seeing the before and after.

Also have you noticed the Sea theme? I have previously shared my love and connection to Smögen, where I spent many summers as a child. It's a beautiful island in the North Sea rich in nature and culture. Since I recently bought an old house in June, I have been focused on getting settled in during the cold Winter months. Many nights spent by my 200 year old fireplace.

Now that Spring is upon us, which to me feels like the New Year. Nature's New Year! I now feel ready to return to the island, to the sea, to the water. Everything is slowly coming alive now. As am I.

2025 YouTube Channel Trailer

I made this channel trailer to attract new subscribers to my YouTube channel. Creating this really got me excited to create vlogs of my daily life and artist process more consistently now. It feels like the trailer is for some epic movie and I can't wait to share my life story with the world. This really feels like a new beginning now.

This year I feel incredibly passionate about building an artist brand rooted in authenticity, inspiration, and the power of creative expression. Some nights I don't want to sleep because I feel so inspired. I really want to help others connect with deeper aspects of themselves, and for artists to feel safe to create again. So much about art is emotion, so to feel grounded and emotionally safe within ourselves is so important. I truly feel that my journey through grounding in nature, not any nature, but the land of my ancestors, my childhood roots by the sea, has really helped lay the foundation for my artwork in 2025.

There is something truly powerful about reconnecting with our home countries and ancestral roots. There is wisdom in the land that is reflected within us. We have so much wisdom, resilience and creativity inside of us it's sometimes hard to put this feeling into words. I think that is why I'm so excited about filmmaking because with film I can communicate these emotions through music and visual language.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could subscribe and support my journey this year on YouTube. Thank you to all those who are watching and helping me make my vision come to life through creativity and healing by the sea 🌊✨

I'm so excited for this new chapter now! I hope you can feel the excitement in this short "movie trailer."

Sending you love and inspiration! ♥️✨


The Year that Changed My Life

Hello, beautiful soul! ✨

Welcome to my first video of 2025! In this reflection, I share my creative healing journey from last year and my artistic vision moving forward. There's so much I wanted to say in this video, but I'm trying to keep my videos short and heartfelt.

Last year was a journey of returning to Sweden after decades of living abroad. I reconnected with my childhood roots, and the wild beauty of Sweden's West Coast. This place helped restore my heart, body, and soul. And because of that, now I want to express my deep gratitude to this magical healing place through my art.

As Spring approaches, I feel more inspired than ever to create more videos and share my life on the coast. As many of you know, 2024 was a transformative year where I reinvented my life and healed my soul and found my authenticity.

In 2024, I experienced great emotional pain. Instead of resisting the pain, I allowed it to help guide me toward deep healing, gratitude, and purpose. Here in the land of my ancestors I was held and restored. Now through my art I want to give back to this magical healing place by sharing it with the world.

I'm looking forward to building a creative and beautiful healing community for both seekers and artists. Thank you for being here. Let’s create something beautiful together 🥰 I appreciate you so much for watching and supporting my artist dream by the North Sea 🌊✨

Also I appreciate your patience. As a new content creator I'm learning to swim. I'm learning where my audience is so I apologise if there is some repetition in content across my platforms. Especially if you are a multi-platform user. As most of you know you can find me here, on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. But as I mentioned in this video, my goal for 2025 is to prioritise YouTube! See you there?

I hope you are well. Sending you lots of love,


Back to My Roots

In January 2024, I set out on a journey of self discovery and personal transformation. Not knowing what to expect, all I knew was that I needed to live closer to nature, closer to my Scandinavian roots, and closer to creativity. This was the key to unlocking this trapped feeling I had inside of myself. My soul was longing for creativity and authenticity.

This video captures all those special moments on my journey in 2024. I went from sad tears to happy tears as I learned to embrace who I am as a human being, an artist, a creative, a woman, a spiritual being... I now live on the land where my Nordic ancestors walked, farmed, fished and swam. I'm home again. Home in my heart. Home in my 1860 homestead with my cat, Leiana and my dog, Ylva in idyllic West Coast of Sweden.

This soul growth period in my life was not easy. But it was worth it. I can't wait to see what happens now. It's only the beginning ❤️

Coming Home to Myself

It's amazing what you can do in a year when you make a whole hearted commitment to putting your happiness first. This year I learned to reclaim my voice through expressing myself creatively. It was a year of healing my soul by realigning with my soul path. In a world where at times emotional vulnerability and self expression is not celebrated, as an artist it can feel unsafe to express and use your voice. The challenge for me this year was to create this safety within myself and to trust myself as I experiment, explore and embrace creative expression.

Sharing my human experience and my humanity has opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities. Never had I dreamed this level of growth was possible. Often we set out on a path to self, a dream, the heart's journey and we end up learning so much more than what we set out to accomplish. Not only have I been reminded of who I am, but also the importance of being open, flexible, and fluid like water and playful like the wind. What an exciting year ahead now. I wish you so much love and happiness on your personal journey of self-discovery, personal love, and self growth. It's a heroes journey. Embrace your uniqueness and the path of your heart. It's a brave and courageous journey. Sending you so much love and healing in 2025!

At the start of 2024, I chose a single word to guide me: Authenticity. It felt simple. It was a promise—a commitment to put my happiness first despite me carrying this false belief that it was selfish. I didn’t know then that this promise would lead me down a path of rediscovery and healing. I didn’t know how much pain and courage it would take to find my way back to myself.

But looking back now, I see how necessary it was. Because healing, I’ve learned, isn’t about escaping the storms of life. It’s about embracing the storm and the renewal it brings. At first, the journey was painful. Pain, I believe, is one of life’s greatest motivators. It was pain that pushed me to return home—to Sweden, where my childhood dreams were born, where the forests and coastal landscape cradled my imagination, and where I felt closest to my ancestors. This brought me a sense of belonging and identity. And back to the natural essence that I was born with.

Me in England
Me in Sweden

I realised quickly I had been neglecting myself for years and this brought me a sense of grief for some time in 2024. My feelings, my voice, my worth—buried beneath layers of self-doubt and survival tactics like people pleasing and seeking approval of others. And yet, deep down, there was this whisper. This calling back to my heart. A whisper that said: “Come home. Come back to the child you once were. The one who believed in magic, who saw the world through eyes of love and wonder."

Coming home was a return to my roots, a reconnection with my ancestors, with the wisdom of nature, and with the quiet power of the land.

It was here, among the trees, rocks, the sea wind and waters of Bohuslän, that I began to heal. Back to my childhood roots. Back to my foundation. Back to my core.

Hunnebostrand, Sweden
Smögen, Sweden

Healing isn’t linear. It’s messy. It’s shedding the beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s letting go of people who dim your light, who try and outshine you, and who put you down. Healing is finding the strength to walk away, to not let in anger, but love—for yourself.

Through creating art from my authentic self, my soul, I found my voice again. Through self-expression, I rediscovered the joy of being me—raw, real, imperfect. And I learned to forgive myself for the years I zipped my lips and fell silent to avoid conflict. For years I accepted less than I deserved, and as soon as I started to use my voice did I learn who truly had my best interest at heart. Through this experience I learned our voice our light. It's like a torch that shines the light on the truth. So if using your voice makes people angry, remember it says more about them than you.

2024 taught me that I do deserve. I deserve peace. I deserve love. And most of all, I deserve to be happy. It wasn’t until I let go of the belief that putting my happiness first was selfish that I began to truly thrive. Because self-love isn’t selfish—it’s the foundation for everything. And we can only give to others and help others when our foundation with ourselves is strong. Then we can truly love. I didn't know what true love was until now.

When you nurture your own light, you illuminate the world around you. True love—real, transformative love—begins with empathy for yourself. I found love in community, in kindred souls who saw me for who I was and celebrated my growth. My soul sisters reminded me that I was never alone in this journey.

Together, we created a space where healing could happen. A space where boundaries felt like sacred invitations to honor ourselves. I feel women are natural healers and by sharing our stories with the world we can help ground men and women. To help them find their way back home to their hearts. To bring about a world of harmony with each other.


Nature became my greatest teacher. The earth showed me how to root myself in the present. The water taught me to let go. The fire reminded me that even destruction brings renewal.

And the air? It whispered, “Breathe. Trust. You are exactly where you need to be.”

Trust the whispers of the wind to guide you home to your hear

Now, at the close of 2024 and the opening of 2025, I feel a sense of peace I never thought possible. I have come home to myself. And if you’re reading to this, maybe it’s your sign to make 2025 the year to come home to yourself. A sign to embrace your own journey—to trust the process, no matter how uncertain or painful it feels. You are not alone and you are welcome to lean on me and find inspiration in my journey. Often we don't realise how much freedom we have. Often it's us that stand in our own way. When we realise we have everything we need to change our lives, that is true power.

Every step this year was a stumble. In moments of doubt, a part of me pushed forward. I learned on role models and imagined what they would do in this moment. The beauty of transformation is our imagination, and the light of others who show us ways to come back to our true selves. Who do you admire? Let them guide you home.

So here is your sign to take the leap. To allow nature to calm your body and mind so the voice of your heart can be heard. Let the fire transform you, the waters cleanse you, the earth ground you, and the air wipe away your tears and guide you forward.

Put your happiness first. Choose authenticity. And never, ever stop believing in your own light. It's always there.

2024 was a journey of healing, creativity, and self-discovery. This post is a reflection of the beauty in navigating life’s storms, embracing the light within, and creating from the soul. May it remind us of our infinite worth. And inspire us to become the person we dream of being—this new year and in the years to come.

Much love, peace, and purpose to you. Keep shining. And if you have something to share, your voice deserves to be heard in the comments. Happy New Year to you! Sending you a BIG warm hug ♥︎

Lots of Love,


P.S. YouTube has been an incredibly healing platform, and for that I offer my gratitude to the creators of YouTube and the people who keep YouTube alive. I say this with deep emotion as I genuinely believe that YouTube is a platform for healing. It's been incredibly healing to use social media with the intention to reclaim your voice and inner power. A place for voices around the world to be heard. Never give up on your voice. You are wonderful and meaningful to this planet and I love you all. Hope to see you by the sea this Summer ♥︎

Every day the light gets stronger now from today until Summer Solstice!

It's all about the Sun. Something I used to say as a child
On my fridge to remind me of my purpose everyday

Happy New Year

I'm sitting on my sofa, in my cozy old house, with the fire warm in the stove, fresh seafood and champagne on the table. Leiana sleeping to my right while I watch "The Grand Seduction." Only four hours left until 2025. 2024 was a year of coming home, not only to Sweden, but back to myself. Back to my true essence.

What a year of pain, loss, beauty, transformation, growth, self discovery, restoration, reconnection, renewal, and true love. Wow wow wow! Never did I think I would achieve so much personal growth in one year. When you really set your mind to something, and let the heart lead the way, do you catapult toward what is meant for you. Trusting the heart knows the road to happiness is the best way to live a happy life.

I wish you a beautiful New Year filled with love, light, fulfillment, meaning, purpose and creativity ♥︎

Winter Days

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas celebration and enjoying the Winter's invitation to rest and slow down. I have spent the past 2 days reviewing what I filmed in November, and started editing a couple of short vlogs instead of putting it all in one big film. Unless that's what you prefer?

I hope you enjoy this little video blog where I share some moments around the house, getting ready for Christmas, and working on making my art studio cozy, functioning, and inviting for magic to happen. I really enjoyed making this vlog and reflecting on my days. It's like seeing your life objectively; like watching a movie. There is something healing about this medium and process. Anyway, enjoy and speak soon ♥︎

My Journey North

On the 16th of December I journeyed to Åre to ground myself in the snowy mountain nature. Those days were magical and I've never needed a solo trip more at this time for reflection and clarification. As the New Year approaches I feel inspired to declutter physically and energetically. To leave all that didn't bring my joy in 2024, and bring what made me happy into 2025. How do you feel about 2024? What lessons did you learn and what made your heart tickle? 🙂

Since I came back from Åre I knew in my heart that I wanted to create more videos. I love blogging but something is calling me to filmmaking. There is so much more feeling and thoughts that can be captured on film. I love the art of storytelling. I know I have said this many times before, which is a big sign my heart is calling me to do this. You will see me more on YouTube in 2025! I feel so inspired to share more and can't wait to inspire you along on your journey back to art, back to nature, back to your ancestral roots.

Here is a little video blog capturing some moments in Åre. If you are interested in any photo prints, feel free to email me until my webshop is up and running. Now I'm back home in my old cozy house. Back together with Leiana. Jämtland is beautiful but Bohuslän is home in my heart. I hope you enjoy the video 🥰