Coming Home to Myself

It's been nearly a year of documenting my transformative year on this blog. It's amazing what you can do in a year when you make a whole hearted commitment to self love. I mark this as an end to a chapter now that I want to take YouTube more seriously in 2025. I hope to build on what I've created here, my blog as my foundation, that has given me the courage to use my voice and express my authenticity. It's been incredibly healing to use social media with the intention to reclaim your voice and inner power.

Sharing my human experience and my humanity has opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities. Never had I dreamed this level of growth was possible. Often we set out on a path to self, a dream, the heart's journey and we end up learning so much more than what we set out to accomplish. Not only have I been reminded of who I am, but also the importance of being open, flexible, and fluid like water and playful like the wind. What an exciting year ahead now. I wish you so much love and happiness on your personal journey of self-discovery, personal love, and self growth. It's a heroes journey. Embrace your uniqueness and the path of your heart. It's a brave and courageous journey. Sending you so much love and healing in 2025!

At the start of 2024, I chose a single word to guide me: Authenticity. It felt simple. It was a promise—a commitment to put my happiness first despite me carrying this false belief that it was selfish. I didn’t know then that this promise would lead me down a path of rediscovery and healing. I didn’t know how much pain and courage it would take to find my way back to myself.

But looking back now, I see how necessary it was. Because healing, I’ve learned, isn’t about escaping the storms of life. It’s about embracing the storm and the renewal it brings. At first, the journey was painful. Pain, I believe, is one of life’s greatest motivators. It was pain that pushed me to return home—to Sweden, where my childhood dreams were born, where the forests and coastal landscape cradled my imagination, and where I felt closest to my ancestors. This brought me a sense of belonging and identity. And back to the natural essence that I was born with.

Me in England
Me in Sweden

I realised quickly I had been neglecting myself for years and this brought me a sense of grief for some time in 2024. My feelings, my voice, my worth—buried beneath layers of self-doubt and survival tactics like people pleasing and seeking approval of others. And yet, deep down, there was this whisper. This calling back to my heart. A whisper that said: “Come home. Come back to the child you once were. The one who believed in magic, who saw the world through eyes of love and wonder."

Coming home was a return to my roots, a reconnection with my ancestors, with the wisdom of nature, and with the quiet power of the land. It was here, among the trees, rocks, the sea wind and waters of Bohuslän, that I began to heal. Back to my childhood roots. Back to my foundation. Back to my core.

Hunnebostrand, Sweden
Smögen, Sweden

Healing isn’t linear. It’s messy. It’s shedding the beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s letting go of people who dim your light, who try and outshine you, and who put you down. Healing is finding the strength to walk away, to not let in anger, but love—for yourself.

Through creating art from my authentic self, my soul, I found my voice again. Through self-expression, I rediscovered the joy of being me—raw, real, imperfect. And I learned to forgive myself for the years I zipped my lips and fell silent to avoid conflict. For years I accepted less than I deserved, and as soon as I started to use my voice did I learn who truly had my best interest at heart. Through this experience I learned our voice our light. It's like a torch that shines the light on the truth. So if using your voice makes people angry, remember it says more about them than you.

2024 taught me that I do deserve. I deserve peace. I deserve love. And most of all, I deserve to be happy. It wasn’t until I let go of the belief that putting my happiness first was selfish that I began to truly thrive. Because self-love isn’t selfish—it’s the foundation for everything. And we can only give to others and help others when our foundation with ourselves is strong. Then we can truly love. I didn't know what true love was until now.

When you nurture your own light, you illuminate the world around you. True love—real, transformative love—begins with empathy for yourself. I found love in community, in kindred souls who saw me for who I was and celebrated my growth. My soul sisters reminded me that I was never alone in this journey.

Together, we created a space where healing could happen. A space where boundaries felt like sacred invitations to honor ourselves. I feel women are natural healers and by sharing our stories with the world we can help ground men and women. To help them find their way back home to their hearts. To bring about a world of harmony with each other.


Nature became my greatest teacher. The earth showed me how to root myself in the present. The water taught me to let go. The fire reminded me that even destruction brings renewal.

And the air? It whispered, “Breathe. Trust. You are exactly where you need to be.”

Trust the whispers of the wind to guide you home to your hear

Now, at the close of 2024 and the opening of 2025, I feel a sense of peace I never thought possible. I have come home to myself. And if you’re reading to this, maybe it’s your sign to make 2025 the year to come home to yourself. A sign to embrace your own journey—to trust the process, no matter how uncertain or painful it feels. You are not alone and you are welcome to lean on me and find inspiration in my journey. Often we don't realise how much freedom we have. Often it's us that stand in our own way. When we realise we have everything we need to change our lives, that is true power.

Every step this year was a stumble. In moments of doubt, a part of me pushed forward. I learned on role models and imagined what they would do in this moment. The beauty of transformation is our imagination, and the light of others who show us ways to come back to our true selves. Who do you admire? Let them guide you home.

So here is your sign to take the leap. To allow nature to calm your body and mind so the voice of your heart can be heard. Let the fire transform you, the waters cleanse you, the earth ground you, and the air wipe away your tears and guide you forward.

Put your happiness first. Choose authenticity. And never, ever stop believing in your own light. It's always there.

2024 was a journey of healing, creativity, and self-discovery. My blog posts this year is a reflection of the beauty in navigating life’s storms, embracing the light within, and creating from the soul. May it remind us of our infinite worth. And inspire us to become the person we dream of being—this new year and in the years to come.

Much love, peace, and purpose to you. Keep shining. And if you have something to share, your voice deserves to be heard in the comments. Happy New Year to you! Sending you a BIG warm hug ♥︎

Lots of Love,


P.S. YouTube has been an incredibly healing platform, and for that I offer my gratitude to the creators of YouTube and the people who keep YouTube alive. I say this with deep emotion as I genuinely believe that YouTube is a platform for healing. A place for voices around the world to be heard. Never give up on your voice. You are wonderful and meaningful to this planet and I love you all. Hope to see you by the sea this Summer ♥︎

Every day the light gets stronger now from today until Summer Solstice!

It's all about the Sun. Something I used to say as a child
On my fridge to remind me of my purpose everyday

Happy New Year

I'm sitting on my sofa, in my cozy old house, with the fire warm in the stove, fresh seafood and champagne on the table, and Leiana sleeping to my right watching The Grand Seduction. Only four hours left until 2025. 2024 was a year of coming home, not only to Sweden, but back to myself. Back to my true essence. It was a return to my roots, a reconnection with my ancestors, with the wisdom of nature, and with the quiet power of the land.

What a year of pain, loss, beauty, transformation, growth, self discovery, restoration, reconnection, renewal, and true love. Wow wow wow! Never did I think I would achieve so much personal growth in one year. When you really set your mind to something, and let the heart lead the way, do you catapult toward what is meant for you. Trusting the heart knows the road to happiness is the best way to live a happy life.

I wish you a beautiful New Year filled with love, light, fulfillment, meaning, purpose and creativity ♥︎

Winter Days

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas celebration and enjoying the Winter's invitation to rest and slow down. I have spent the past 2 days reviewing what I filmed in November, and started editing a couple of short vlogs instead of putting it all in one big film. Unless that's what you prefer? I really feel like sharing the rest of what I filmed for 2024 so I can tie this year with a bow, and move on. In a way I feel this helps me open myself up to new creative things in the New Year.

I hope you enjoy this little video blog where I share some moments around the house, getting ready for Christmas, and working on making my art studio cozy, functioning, and inviting for magic to happen. I really enjoyed making this vlog and reflecting on my days. It's like seeing your life objectively; like watching a movie. There is something healing about this medium and process. Anyway, enjoy and speak soon ♥︎

My Journey North

On the 16th of December I journeyed to Åre to ground myself in the snowy mountain nature. Those days were magical and I've never needed a solo trip more at this time for reflection and clarification. As the New Year approaches I feel inspired to declutter physically and energetically. To leave all that didn't bring my joy in 2024, and bring what made me happy into 2025. How do you feel about 2024? What lessons did you learn and what made your heart tickle? 🙂

Since I came back from Åre I knew in my heart that I wanted to create more videos. I love blogging but something is calling me to filmmaking. There is so much more feeling and thoughts that can be captured on film. I love the art of storytelling. I know I have said this many times before, which is a big sign my heart is calling me to do this. You will see me more on YouTube in 2025! I feel so inspired to share more and can't wait to inspire you along on your journey back to art, back to nature, back to your ancestral roots.

Here is a little video blog capturing some moments in Åre. If you are interested in any photo prints, feel free to email me until my webshop is up and running. Now I'm back home in my old cozy house. Back together with Leiana. Jämtland is beautiful but Bohuslän is home in my heart. I hope you enjoy the video 🥰

High in the Sky

Hello to you! I’m writing to you from high in the sky. Today, I leave the beautiful mountain world of Åre and return to my seaside paradise in Hunnebostrand. What a gift to live in a country with diverse landscapes and natural beauty. I feel really lucky to call Sweden my home.

I spoke with the taxi driver the entire way to the airport. His name is Martin. He was so friendly and we shared a lot of similar interests and saw the world in a similar way. When we arrived at the airport he said he felt bad charging me for the ride because it was like talking to a friend. How sweet. I know the feeling. It felt like catching up with a dear friend. I love when that happens in life. You meet people you just connect with. Of course, I paid him and told him I look forward to seeing him on the slopes next year.

Window constantly freezing -5C

He asked where in Sweden I live and the closest town is called Hunnebostrand. As soon as I mentioned that, he said where I live is Sweden’s Summer paradise. It was a gentle reminder for me to not take my home for granted. That I need to share more of it with the world now. I shared my dream with him to have a mountain home where I can jump on my skis and just enjoy the wintery landscapes, and then soak up the coastal nature of beautiful Bohuslän during the Summers. I love to ski and this is probably a big reason why I feel called back to Åre.

I really enjoyed traveling alone and can’t wait to do it again. I now return home feeling more confident and open. I think there is something healing about traveling alone. You get to be with yourself, hear your thoughts, tap into what your heart wants in every moment. It felt really free to just be and not worry about soothing fellow stressed out travelers. I’m a very calm person and am deeply affected if I travel with people who are easily stressed out. I have empathy for them but I’m learning to prioritize my energy. Everything about this trip was smooth sailing and it only proved to me that I’m capable, kind, flexible, and organised.

The beauty of travel is that the place changes you. I believe that every experience, every moment (big and small), changes us on some deep level, whether we are conscious of it or not. And this reminds me to just enjoy who I am in this moment, because in the next I might see the world differently.

Whether I'm experiencing an event or reading a passage from a book, it all changes me in some way. The funny thing is, often we think we can't change but yet here we are, changing in every moment. When we see that and truly believe that, I think some level of self-acceptance happens. For me, realising this made me feel excitement for life again. The joy of possibilities just came flooding back in. It’s so wonderful to continue to grow in new ways through life’s experiences (both planned and unexpected). The lesson of this trip is to be open and trust. Change is possible and you can be whoever you want to be. You have more freedom than you think. Be free.

Each day while I was away, I really wanted to challenge myself by not closing myself off. To just be open to what the day brought me. To be open to talk to strangers and meet new people. I’m not an introvert and have found that past hurt has caused me to close off from people. I’m working really hard to get back to my true self. To connect with that calm core that I know is there. I believe we all have it. We can all feel safe in the world again. We all have the capability to heal our soul. To sometimes call it back to us in the darkest times.

This trip was really about taking in the natural beauty but it become so much more. I breathed in all the good energy of the fresh mountain air and carry that in my heart. Now the mountain and the snowy landscape is a part of me. I had the most calm and contentment by simply being in each moment.

I swam every day at the hotel. I find water so incredibly healing. I feel inspired to swim more regularly now when I get back to the coast. I recently signed up to the local health and wellness club. It’s right on the water where you can take cold plunges and then sauna. I look forward to sharing this more with you on YouTube now that I've decided to make more video blogs in the New Year.

This week has been incredibly rewarding and has taught me the power of rest and living in the now. We don’t need to be doing things all the time. Sometimes it’s most rewarding to just be and flow through the day. Each moment is truly a gift. It's also an opportunity to stay connected to your inner world. I’ve been processing and reflecting a lot on what’s happened this year so I can start 2025 with more clarity.

Now the plane is already landing in Stockholm to catch my connection to Göteborg. I love these short flights. I realise that door to door it takes about 10 hours of travel. I’m tempted to drive to Åre next time to capture all the natural beauty and changing scenery on the way. It takes the same amount of time to drive.

Now It’s Sunday, the final advent and Christmas is upon us next week. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday evening. I look forward to seeing you soon. I feel excited to share more of my life with you. All the ups and downs and the beauty and serenity of Bohuslän.

I now close this beautiful Are chapter. Once I land in Stockholm I have about 30 minutes until the next flight. Then 2-3 hours drive up the coast to my beautiful homestead by the sea. I’m actually really looking forward to coming home. A new wave of gratitude that I feel for my beautiful house and for my cat, Leiana. I can’t wait to see her and give her a cuddle. So much love in my heart that I want to share with her, to give to my home, and to share with the world through the gift of the internet.

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday and see you next week!

Speak to you soon ♥︎

Met Rudolph ♥︎
A comforting tea before my flight
Åre to Stockhom
Layover and quick dinner in Stockholm
Landed in Göteborg
A very vocal kitty greeting me home ♥︎♥︎♥︎
Back home! Beautiful West Coast. I missed you ♥︎♥︎♥︎


On my last day, I decided to explore the surrounding nature. The past days I have been in a constant fog. One moment the skies cleared and I could see the vast mountain landscape. I didn't realise how high up I was. A few hundred meters above sea level at least. The mountain lodge I'm staying is a skiers dream; to be able to start from the top of the mountain and not worry about getting a lift. I look forward to returning again for some skiing when the days are longer and the sun is higher. This trip was dedicated toward my nature photography and resting at the spa. There is something about this time of year that just invites me to rest and restore. And that is exactly what I did. I definitely needed it and feel I have more clarity on certain areas of my life now.

A new path

When I was walking among the snow covered trees, I could feel the peace in the air. I could sense the trees were sleeping. It reminded me that I don't need to be in this hyper energetic state all the time. I don't need to be doing things all the time. I too can rest, be calm and patient. So now that it what I'm practicing. The state of being calm. Being here reminds me of what calm feels like. Throughout my day now, I use that feeling as a baseline reference. To remind myself of the feeling and to shift my energy so I can feel calm in the storms of life.

A new way forward
Hair is freezing to my coat
Sun setting at 2:45pm. Getting cold now

With only four hours of daylight I made the most of my time outdoors before returning to my room hotel room and the warm atmosphere of this beautiful lodge. I have dreamt for years to stay at a lodge like this. I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to experience this beautiful warm and welcoming place in the beautiful Nordic fjäll world.

The view from my hotel room is breathtaking
Tonight's dinner

One night the sky was incredibly clear. The moonlight woke me up. I stayed awake in the early hours of the morning hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights, but unfortunately no dancing skies. I tried to take a photo of the moon. Since my camera settings weren't set up correctly I ended up with this interesting image. Doesn't it look like an alien figure holding the moon?

Man in the sky

A Healing Space

Here is a little glimpse of the Nordic spa with views of the fir trees and snowy landscape. I didn't feel comfortable having my camera there so I tried my best to catch some pictyres. But nothing captures this place better than their very own website. So check out the spa here.

I met a girl who works at the hotel and she shared that every morning she wakes up and says “I open my heart to receive miracles.” That’s so beautiful! People are really beautiful. You can follow her here on Instagram. And there is beauty and healing spending time with open and vulnerable people. They are the strongest, safest and most grounding people I know. And I aspire to be just that. I am that.

This space was a chance to heal and reflect on my year; what I have learned, what do I want to leave in 2024 and bring into 2025.

Feeling relaxed and calm

Another World

For the first time on my travels the clouds parted and I could catch a glimpse of the sun rays.

Yesterday evening I tried a traditional Sami meal with reindeer. I love to connect with other cultures by understanding the way they live and the food they eat. Not only what they eat but their relationship to the food. To the reindeer. It's amazing to think about the rich Sámi culture and history in the Northern parts of Sweden.

Like most indigenous people, they were gradually forced to give up their land, which makes me feel incredibly sad. Nearly every indigenous culture I have learned about lived in harmony with nature. To this day, there is much we can learn from these spiritual people.

Here you can learn more about the Sámi people in Sweden

Surrounded by Wilderness

Since it was already dark when I arrived, I was mesmerized waking up to this view from my terrace.

Waking up to this winter storm

Hello from a very stormy mountain world. I finally arrived at the beautiful Copperhill Mountain Lodge in Åre, Sweden. I’m currently writing to you while enjoying my breakfast. It’s currently 10am and the breakfast service is wrapping up. I’ve been sitting here for an hour getting a taste of all the local delights and homemade goods. I’m in breakfast heaven. A mixture of blues and country music is playing in the background with faint sounds of the banjo and bluegrass. Reminds me of my time living in the United States. Since there is a blizzard outside, I think I will enjoy the hotel today. I look forward to spending my afternoon relaxing by the fire with a warm hot chocolate.

I didn’t arrive until 5pm last night. It was a long taxi ride from the airport. About an hour. After I checked in I was ready to jump into my glorious hotel bed. I was reminded at check-in that I had dinner booked for 18:30 so after the most wonderful shower, I got dressed up and went downstairs for dinner. I ordered a fantastic lamb, garlic, and mashed potato dish. I had the most wonderful waitresses take care of me. Having been awake since 4am, I was keen to get into bed.

Checking in
Time for dinner
First meal at the hotel. Fan-dabey-dosey
Beautiful restaurant with a warm atmosphere

I sat there taking in the beautiful warm atmosphere of the hotel restaurant. I observed the other hotel guests with a smile and read some pages from my storytelling book. I was the only one dining alone. I thought of a few people I would love to share this experience with, but there is something powerful and healing about traveling alone. You truly get in touch with yourself and get to know yourself in a new way. All because of being in a new environment and having new life experiences alone. I think it also sends the message to yourself that you are safe and capable. I think it builds confidence, and for that, solo trips are rewarding. I have spent years living alone and moving to new countries and cities alone, but I've never really gone on holiday alone. The first time was when I went to Mallorca in October for a soul meditation retreat for a week, but that was filled with daily activities and sharing a house with the other girls. Here I'm truly alone.

When I went to Mallorca I was so nervous, but left feeling an abundance of love, grounded and connected spiritually. I took all the lessons back home with me. And that is what life is, a bunch of experiences and lessons, and that includes traveling. And isn’t it just beautiful to accept these lessons and allow it to shape you every day? When we realize how much our daily life experiences shape us, then we can truly be present with ourselves in every moment. I feel like my perspective has changed a lot regarding this. I often remind myself about the fact that I'm changing in every moment, so wouldn't I want to savour every moment? To savour the version I am in that glimpse of time? To learn from that moment and grow in the next? Sometimes we think we need years to change but maybe we just one single moment? If everyone realised that perhaps the self-help podcast and publishing world would fall apart.

I'm so grateful I had this realisation because it makes my days feel richer in some way. That every day I get a chance to grow, to learn more about myself and understand the world I live in from my unique perspective. To me, the human life is an ever-evolving and beautiful journey. It makes me want to slow down even more and take it all in.

Speaking of slow, that's exactly how I woke up this morning. I woke up at 6am, unfortunately with a blocked right ear. I can’t hear anything out of it and now people can't hear me when I speak because to me I sound very loud, but I must be speaking softer than normal. My body felt terribly dehydrated when I woke up, so after brushing my teeth and splashing cold water on my face, I drank a lot of water and ginger tea. I then went searching for the spa. I really wanted to take in the morning calm and tranquility.

The spa was not what I expected. It was even better! It was like a healing retreat in the mountains. Soft meditation music was playing in the background. You could hear the sound of water lapping in the pool, accompanied with soft warm light. It was still dark outside so while the mountains still slept, I went for my first swim. I swam for 30 minutes before taking a sauna. I went outside to do an ice bath but was surprised when the water was warm. They have an ice bucket, but I'd much rather take a cold plunge. Instead, I stood in the stormy icy wind before going for a second sauna. I felt a relaxation in my body all morning and wondered if this is our natural state? Perhaps we have normalised stress and hyperactivity in our life? If we are to address modern day health issues and diseases, this has to change. What are your feelings on this? I'm curious to hear what you think 🙂

I didn't bring any electronics with me to the spa so I have no pictures today. But tomorrow I will take some photos and film a little. Maybe I could do a little day with me vlog? I hope the storm passes so I can go on a husky ride. I've never been on one of those before.

See you tomorrow! ♥︎